Minggu, 28 Februari 2010

Upgrade and Downgrade os bb murah!!!!!!!!!!!

Upgrade dan Downgrade os bb murah!!!!!
hanya 95 ribu!!!!
sudah os terbaru!!!!!!!!!
contact by email geraldoch48@yahoo.com..
and ym geraldoch48!!!!

4 komentar:

  1. alamatnya dimana bos??

  2. untuk bold versi 5 bisa bos??

  3. masih nego gak??jauh sih kalo 80 ribu saya mau.

  4. Dalton Bilsky's wise words.

    "So pretty much don't do it just because. There is no making it right with the fans in regards to Daniel Bryan. Anything they do now is to save face. How many times can WWE do that before the fans are allowed to get mad? 3 times? 5? Why would you support a product that clearly shows it doesn't care what you think? Bryan isn't the only person fans are behind who doesn't get pushed. Ziggler, Cesaro, these names ring any bells? WWE is a company and can do what it wants but that doesn't mean fans need to support that.

    In terms of it hurting the wrestlers, it hurts some but is Cena really going to lose out because you don't watch the network? Besides, that is a poor excuse - do you eat at places you don't like because if you don't, it will hurt the staff? It's your money, spend it where you get the value. Like you said, WWE isn't going away anytime soon but losing a bunch of subscriptions might make them rethink their direction."
